Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Dixie Shootout Series.
Welcome, we are so glad to have you!
Once these are completed, you will be good to go to race for the event/year.
Below are some helpful mentions to prepare you for the year:
● Receiver channel used at all Dixie Shootout events is 1165
● All announcements as well as line-ups will be posted on Telegram (https://t.me/dixieshootout).
You can download the app to your mobile device.
● Dixie Rulebook
● NASCAR Youth Series Rulebook
● If you have someone planning on being in the hot chute at all, they must be listed as a handler
when you register for the Dixie Shootout event. Handlers must have an active NASCAR Youth
Series license. This is not needed if they are coming to watch and sit in the grandstands.
● Underage handlers (Under age 16) must be cleared with the NASCAR Youth Series prior to
receiving handler clearance from Dixie Shootout Series. Please see NASCARYouth.com to fill
out the Underage Handler form. Once you have filled out the NASCAR Youth Series link, you
can fill out the Dixie Shootout Series link.
● Event shirts are purchased during online registration and not at the event.
● Wristbands given during registration must be worn at all times. If yours breaks or falls off,
please see a track official for a new one. You may not share wristbands.
● Generally each track will have a food vendor onsite however it is still suggested to have a food
plan since some tracks are not included in local delivery routes and race days are long.
In order to participate in the series you must make sure
you have completed each of the following memberships: